Aethalides was a minor heroic figure from the tales of Greek mythology.
Aethalides was the son of the messenger god Hermes, born to the mortal woman Eupolemia, the daughter of Myrmidon. Aethalides would inherit the gift of remembering everything from his father, and when Jason called forth for heroes to gather at Iolcus, Aethalides travelled forth, from the Thessalonian city of Larissa.
Jason welcomed Aethalides as a member of the crew of the Argo, and Aethalides was thereafter named as the messenger of the Argonauts.
No specific heroic deed is attributed to Aethalides, but it was said that not even death could cause Aethalides to forget, and as generations passed, famous individuals claimed that the soul of Aethalides had transmigrated into them. Thus, Pythagoras claimed, that through Metempsychosis, he had the memories of the son of Hermes.
Aethalides was the son of the messenger god Hermes, born to the mortal woman Eupolemia, the daughter of Myrmidon. Aethalides would inherit the gift of remembering everything from his father, and when Jason called forth for heroes to gather at Iolcus, Aethalides travelled forth, from the Thessalonian city of Larissa.
Jason welcomed Aethalides as a member of the crew of the Argo, and Aethalides was thereafter named as the messenger of the Argonauts.
No specific heroic deed is attributed to Aethalides, but it was said that not even death could cause Aethalides to forget, and as generations passed, famous individuals claimed that the soul of Aethalides had transmigrated into them. Thus, Pythagoras claimed, that through Metempsychosis, he had the memories of the son of Hermes.
Colin Quartermain - Aethalides - 8th August 2021