Dryas was a common name for characters appearing in the tales of Greek mythology. One such Dryas, was a heroic figure who appeared in the lists of the Calydonian Hunters.
Dryas Son of AresDryas was commonly said to be the son of the god Ares, and brother to the Thracian king, Tereus. The mother of Dryas is not referred to in surviving sources.
The Heroic DryasDryas was named a hero of Greek tales, with Nestor, during the Trojan War, naming Dryas as one of the mightiest of all heroes of the preceding generation. The fame of Dryas is due to his participation in two major events.
Dryas was named as a Calydon lord, and during his lifetime the kingdom of Oeneus was ravaged by a monstrous boar. As a result, a mighty gathering of heroes took place in Calydon, and thus Dryas was one of the Calydonian Hunters. No major event during the hunt though, is ascribed to Dryas. Dryas, at least according to Ovid’s version of the tale, is much more prominent during the Centauromachy, The Centauromachy was the war between the Lapiths and Centaurs, caused when the Centaurs attempted to abduct Hippodamia and other female wedding guests at the wedding of Pirithous and Hippodamia. Ovid tells of Dryas killing the centaurs, Crenaeus, Eurynomus, Imbreus, Lycidas and Rhoetus. |
The Death of Dryas
The manner of Dryas’ death differed greatly to the manner of his life. As previously mentioned, Dryas was the brother of King Tereus. Tereus received a word from an oracle that his son, Itys, would be killed by a relative.
Tereus believed that this meant Dryas, and so the king had his brother killed, Tereus though was mistaken in his interpretation, for the killer of Itys proved to be Tereus’ wife, Procne.
Tereus believed that this meant Dryas, and so the king had his brother killed, Tereus though was mistaken in his interpretation, for the killer of Itys proved to be Tereus’ wife, Procne.
Colin Quartermain - Dryas of Caalydon - 18th September 2021