Perieres was a mortal king spoken of in Greek mythology. Most commonly named as a son of Aeolus, Perieres was a King of Messenia.
Perieres Son of Aeolus
Perieres was commonly said to have been a son of Aeolus, King of Thessaly, born to Aeolus’ wife Enarete, making Perieres brother to the likes of Sisyphus, Salmoneus, Althamas and Cretheus.
Alternatively, Perieres was named as a son of Cynortes, son of Amyclas.
Alternatively, Perieres was named as a son of Cynortes, son of Amyclas.
Perieres King Of MesseniaPerieres would be closely associated with Messenia in Greek mythology. Messenia was the land of Polycaon, son of Lelex, and his descendants although it was said that after five generations there was no descendants to take up the throne.
Some then say that Perieres was invited to take the throne, whilst others say that he took the throne of Messenia by force. |
Perieres and Gorgophone
In Messenia, Perieres would marry Gorgophone, the daughter of the heroic Perseus and Andromeda. Various children of Perieres are named in the ancient sources, with Pausanias (Description of Greece) naming two sons, Aphareus and Leucippus, whilst in the Bibliotheca, Tyndareus and Icarius are also named.
Tyndareus is of course a famous King of Sparta, husband of Leda, whilst Icarius was the father of Penelope.
Other sources also name Borus (husband of Peleus’ daughter, Polydora), Halirrhothius, Deidameia (mother of the Argonaut Iphiclus), Polydora (a lover of Peleus) and Pisus (founder of Pisa), as children of Perieres.
Tyndareus is of course a famous King of Sparta, husband of Leda, whilst Icarius was the father of Penelope.
Other sources also name Borus (husband of Peleus’ daughter, Polydora), Halirrhothius, Deidameia (mother of the Argonaut Iphiclus), Polydora (a lover of Peleus) and Pisus (founder of Pisa), as children of Perieres.
Perieres and MelaneusA story is told by Pausanias of Melaneus, son of Apollo, coming to Messenia, and being granted the land known as the Carnasium, by Perieres. This land would then be known as Oechalia after Melaneus’ wife of the same name; Melaneus and Oechalia would have a famous son, in the form of Eurytus.
This tale does presume that Oechalia was in Messenia, although other sources tell of it being in either Thessaly or Euboea. |
After Perieres
After Perieres died, Gorgophone would remarry, marrying Oebalus, King of Sparta, whilst Perieres was succeeded to the throne of Messenia by his son, Aphareus. Obelaus was potentially Perieres brother, if Perieres was the son of Cynortes.
Colin Quartermain - Perieres - 11th August 2021