Though her name is not well known, Enarete is an important woman in Greek mythology.
Enarete Wife of Aeolus
Enarete was a queen Ancient Greece, for she was married to Aeolus, son of Hellen, grandson of Deucalion. Enarete herself was the daughter of Deimachus, a man about whom nothing else is known.
Aeolus ruled a land then known as Aeolia, though it would later be known as Thessaly, but he and Enarete would become the ancestors of all the Aeolian people; the Aeolians being one of the four ancient tribes, alongside the Achaeans, Dorians and Ionians. |
There is no agreed on figure for the number of children born to Enarete, for her and Aeolus’ children varies depending on source being read, and over time more and more mythical figures were added.
Sons of Enarete
One early source, written by Hesiod, names five sons of Enarete; these sons being, Athamas, Cretheus, Perieres, Salmoneus and Sisyphus.
Athamas – a king of Boeotia, and father of Phrixus and Helle amongst others
Cretheus – a king of Iolcus, and father of Aeson, Pheres and Amythaon amongst others
Perieres – a king of Messenia, husband of Gorgophone, and father of Tyndareus amongst others
Salmoneus – an impious king of Elis, and father of Tyro
Sisyphus – an impious king of Corinth, father of Glaucus amongst others
Athamas – a king of Boeotia, and father of Phrixus and Helle amongst others
Cretheus – a king of Iolcus, and father of Aeson, Pheres and Amythaon amongst others
Perieres – a king of Messenia, husband of Gorgophone, and father of Tyndareus amongst others
Salmoneus – an impious king of Elis, and father of Tyro
Sisyphus – an impious king of Corinth, father of Glaucus amongst others
More Children for Enarete
Additional children were named in the Bibliotheca (Pseudo-Apollodorus), these children being named as Alcyone, Calyce, Canace, Deion, Magnes, Pisidice and Perimede.
Alcyone – husband of Ceyx Calyce – husband of Aethlius, mother of Endymion Canace – lover of Poseidon Deion – king of Phocis, father of Cephalus Magnes – king of Magnesia Pisidice – wife of Myrmidon, mother of Actor Perimede – lover of Achelous |
Colin Quartermain - Enarete - 8th August 2021